Sunday, April 22, 2007


This weekend I was reminded of a dream I had the first week I came to the Lord. It was strange how this dream came back to me though it is something I have held onto for the last ten years and can still remember it quite vividly. So I was thinking I should share it with you today.
In the beginning of my dream I am walking with this girl, I suppose she was my friend, though I cannot remember what her face looks like or if I even knew her then. We were walking down the street into different apartment complexes and random buildings. We were looking for this party that we had been invited to. We stopped by different places but none of them were the one. Then we entered this complex and there was this massive pool covered with glass doors. You could see all these people dancing, drinking, socializing.
The girl I was with went through the door and turned around to look at me. She motioned for me to come in but I didn't want to. I pointed upwards indicating to her that I was going to check out upstairs and see what was going on there. She smiled and got lost into the party. I started climbing these stairs, I had remembered I had seen something on the roof so I headed up there to see what was what.
When I got up there it was empty. I didn't see anyone but I looked around hoping to find something of worth. Then across the way on the roof of another building I saw this house. It was different there were all these trees and flowers and grass. It was beautiful. It looked so inviting and peaceful. It was unreal the roof of the building I was on was gray and drab, it was lonely and empty. So I started looking around trying to see how I could get over to this other house. I walked towards the edge and just then I heard these voices. I turned around and there were all these people. Some I recognized, some who were faceless strangers.
It was then that they all started calling me names, they were yelling things I had heard my whole life. I just stood there crying. I didn't know what to do. Then they started hurling crap at me. I mean literal crap. It was so heavy I fell to the ground. I was getting caked in it. It was disgusting and I just lay there not knowing what to do.
Then things changed, I heard this voice and this man was speaking to the crowds of people, saying they couldn't treat me the way they did and that I was his daughter and He wouldn't tolerate it. He picked me up and started to clean me off, the people just disappeared and we walked towards that beautiful house. It was amazing, there was this bridge and we just walked across it and then suddenly the bridge was gone.
I woke up that next morning feeling peaceful about where I was. At that point coming out of a long period of drug and alcohol abuse and having some other real life altering moments I knew that the Lord was with me and I wouldn't have to take that "crap" anymore.
This weekend I had the pleasure of spending time with some amazing people. Experiencing some things that reminded me of where I have come from and who I am now. I was blessed to speak truth into the life of some amazing ladies and be blessed with wisdom spoken into my life through some complete strangers.
It has been an insightful time, I have had the pleasure of hearing the hearts of a few friends and finding myself more and more drawn to who they are. I love how the Lord has orchestrated us to intertwine with one another. I feel blessed to have the grace and forgiveness and understanding of the Lord poured over me and those I encounter. He has created something amazing in each of us. Our capabilities, though at times can be some what scary or dangerous, this weekend they have been something of awe for me to sit back and breath in.

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