Thursday, April 5, 2007

observations of the...

So I haven't done this in a while so I thought why not go back to how I started this whole thing. So here is my list of observations this week:

1. I like glasses, I like them allot! I mean allot and I like the possibility of the new ones...go with those. Just in case you wanted my opinion.
2. I have listened to the same three songs on repeat for the last two weeks and its getting out of control.
3. My brother is one of my favorite people. Having him home this week has been SUPERB!!!!
4. Redecorating your room can take more then 10 minutes.
5. Having a personal trainer is great for the ego.
6. Living next to the beach is one of my favorite things, what am I doing moving to TN?!?
7. Really excited that there is a school in TN that is so appealing to someone I really like, this makes number 6 more bearable.
8. Dynamite, now that is a great word, really really great!
9. I really like The Office, it is hilarious. Dane Cook is side splitting, man that was a good time!
10. I am selfish and often completely miss the point.
11. 15 year old girls should not be having babies.
12. I LOVE laughing, yes yes I do.
13. Waking up at 445 in the morning to go the gym is a wonderful yet some what crazy way to start the day.
14. There is just an absurd amount of people leaving in San Diego.
15. Adam has to be one of the craziest guys I know and can be the best gtalk chat man a girl can have at work. Thanks bro (see you made the list now stop crying)
16. Many men don't know what to do with the tres amigas, just as it should be! Shock em girls shock em!
17. There is nothing attractive about cat calling!
18. Planning my mothers wedding is proving to be quite the task.
19. Gluten is in way too many things and makes eating out a real pain in the arse.
20. I have vivid dreams, some of them actually happen, and that can scare me and other times I really hope they do happen.
21. Praying over each area of my life these days is the only way I am certain that things are just as they should be.

ok so there is so much more and I could have gone on for days but I am ending it now and I will be back later.
blessings and love

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