Monday, May 21, 2007

so my question is...

So I'm in the airport and I'm waiting for my connection to San Diego...
I've walked back and forth trying to stretch my legs and find a place to plug in my laptop.
Now here is my question...what gives a man the thought in his head that he has the right to make ridiculous comments about a woman when he is passing her on the moving sidewalk...or anywhere really? This really gets under my skin.
I was walking on the moving side walk and these three men who work for the airport start guaking at me from the other end and when we pass eachother on the sidewalk they start making comments about my figure, as though I cannot hear them, and talk about me like Im just something to critique. It was so abnoxious! They thought it was flattering and made eyes at me like I was going to hand my number over to them and thank them for such "flattering" remarks. WHATEVER!!!! ugh can i just say that it is the most unattractive disgusting thing that a man can do to a woman.

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