Friday, August 22, 2008

Groundhogs and moments of clarity

This afternoon I was waiting on Ryan outside of one of the places he works. I was reading a book on the grass hill and enjoying the sun beating on my back. There I was enjoying life and as I looked down to the bottom of the hill I see this some what odd looking creature poking its head from a hole in the ground. Now I realize this is a groundhog but for someone who grew up next the ocean this is not an animal we see on a frequent basis. I was watching this animal just peering out of its hole to see if it was acceptable to come out and show itself. It was such an interesting thing to observe. I mean once it felt safe enough it came out of the hole, looked around and then walked towards a patch of grass. This was no easy task for the groundhog that I have now affectionately decided is called Gary. Gary the groundhog is just outside of his hole and looking up at me. I don't move. He doesn't move. I still don't move. He takes a step and pauses again. I imagine if he could express himself to me he would say, "is this safe? are you going to make a move or can I go over there and eat some grass?" Now I recognize though he is looking out for himself in a matter of survival, he is not having deep thoughts as to whether or not my presence will interfere with his daily schedule. I think if I could respond in a way that would make sense I may say to him something along the lines of "of course, do your thing, you need not be so afraid. Just come out and enjoy yourself in the beautiful grass and sun."
This is ridiculous now I understand, I am not trying to say that I actually want to communicate with a groundhog, if I did I would tell the one outside my house to stop getting into our trash. Rather it all got me thinking.
I thought about how this is often how I have responded to the world, family, friends, strangers or most of all the Lord. I think over the years I have found my freedom outside of the hole. I can embrace the sun and trust that those that may just be onlookers will not hurt me. The Lord will not hurt me. So I can come out. In this I can rejoice. I truly can. For many of you my high school and early college days were not part of the journey we have shared. However this was a time of hiding for me. I would take a step and pause, look around and try to decipher if you were out for my demise. far I have come. PRAISE THE LORD! I am not in this place any more but sometimes I need to tell myself this again. Replay the thousands of holes I have emerged from and thank the Lord and those who also were, if you will, sitting on the hill just observing and inviting me to enjoy the sun!


Unknown said...

Fly, butterfly, fly!!!

courtney anne said...

dude, saw my first groundhog when i was in new jersey earlier this month... super weird animals.