Tuesday, August 12, 2008


LVN NBFE. Ha this was the license on the car in front of me this morning on my way back from my daily trip to Smoothie King. I sat in my car and laughed for what had to be a good ten minutes. I just sat there alone thinking about how my bff would love that license plate and how so many times that statement has been the exact representation of my life and where I choose to reside.
Now granted Lynchburg is not exactly B.F.E but at moments of loneliness and boredom it matters little where I rest my head because this is exactly what it can feel like.
Hear me now when I say I am in no ways trying to come across as though I am unhappy or lonely. I am actually quite the opposite right now. I love my new home, we have been blessed so greatly in this area. I love being with my husband, he is a light in my life and just waking up next to him is reason enough to keep going. I love the new place I get to explore and see just how God put it all together. It truly is breathtaking here.

I do miss my girls, my bff and ms. D most of all.

This is okay though. You know I really have got to the point where I am seeing that these things that enrich my life are always, at some point, far from me. Likewise with the Lord I can often find myself missing him, wishing I were closer to him than I am at any given moment. That would be a more accurate description of this moment. I do long for him. To be enveloped in His word. Giving praise with breath. This is my heart.....

So back to the grind. One more day of looking for jobs. Seeking out what the Lord is doing. Learning more about patience and trusting. What a day to begin breathing.

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