Thursday, February 15, 2007

Falling for Leone

The people of Sierra Leone are taking my heart with them. Last night I sat in a stadium full of people cheering while I watched the most amazing men take on my favorite sport. Thats right last night I watched the national amputee soccer game here in Sierra Leone and it was Uh-Mazing! I had the privilege of sitting on the field and speaking with some of the refs as well as the players.Talk about challenging such speed and passion these men had. They for sure could do more with one leg or one arm then I could do with all my limbs in tact. It challenged me to really appreciate what I am blessed to have and a reminder that you just never know. Afterward these boys came up chasing us down to take their photo. They had so much energy and it shocks me over and over the power of a smile. So I stood there snapping away and feeling overwhelmed all at once. I am really starting to fall for the people of Leone. I spoke with a friend not to long ago about the power of a hug and how it can change your perspective. The recognition that comes from that human contact can give someone the energy they need to go on. Here in Leone I am seeing how a simple wave can move them to what seems like this same response. So powerful. The African people took my heart a few years ago and again are chasing after what is left.

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