Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today I am on this icky makes me think of sprite with
a lot of corn syrup in it; no one should have to drink this stuff!
Currently four hours in and I got nothing.
I think I'm immune to medicine.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A prayer

"Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves; when our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little; when we arrive safely because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess we have lost our thirst for the Waters of Life; having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity; and in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of the new heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly - to venture on wider seas where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. We ask you push back the horizons of our hopes, and to push us in the future with strength, courage, hope and love." -Sir Francis Drake

Friday, February 23, 2007

Weiser observations of the week

this week I have made many observations the following is a small insight into such things...
  • When small children are at play it is not a good idea to leave the little kitty you just rescued from the streets in a nest where the little refugee kid who is living with you can step on her and crush her to death!
  • When you are having difficulty going to the bathroom for several weeks it is not a good idea to eat lots of applesauce and apples in one day, it only brings more pain.
  • Some times people can misinterpret the actions and words of another and that can lead to some serious Real World Sierra Leone drama.
  • Little children of Sierra Leone like to say "White girl White girl" when they see me in the morning. Only later reinforcing the fact that my Spanish blood isn't helping me in the color department at all!
  • When you talk to a friend on skype and they have skype as well you can get a really great conversation going. unless of course your internet cuts out a million times over.
  • The Hills on mtv is a dumb show.
  • Nothing compares to your moms loving touch when you feel like you have reached the depths of hell. (miss you mom)
  • When women here in West Africa are in labor they often sit on the woman and beat her stomach to "help" the baby come out. ( there is something seriously wrong with this)
  • When two people spend a lot of time together and the write a blog entry about a dead cat, more specifically a poem, it is cause for hours of debate at the computer cafe.
  • The idea of giant people who can catch me while I jump off the the ledge into their arms isn't such a bad thought....(good one Just I like it so much I wish it were true!)
  • "Overheard in New York" is a sick website.
  • Stirring the pot is one of my favorite pass times.
  • Reading in a book with your 7th grader about the handy work of the Lord can cause so many tears its difficult to continue reading.
  • Both my house mates are copy "cats" with that photo of pamplemoose.
  • Conversations at 11pm are prime for the Lord to show His grace and to show how He divinely brings his children together.
  • Choosing to take care of oneself is not a sign of failure but rather the opposite. To walk away from perfectly good experiences and relationships is not the easiest of things to do, but some times the most necessary. I will not look at myself as though I am not worthy of the grace that is freely offered and I will not ignore the importance of taking care of the gift I have been given. There is purpose behind the knowledge we are given and the freedom to walk in it.

the loss of moose

Last night Pamplemoose passed away.
It was really sad and very hard for most of us at the house.
We buried her little body in the backyard.
We even found ourselves missing her little meows last night...
oh so sad.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The joys of being young

So in the last week we took in some ex-pat refugees from Guinea because of the war that is currently taking place. They have two little boys one of which is the most talkative and cute little one I have ever met. His name is Elijah and this morning he showed me his see dad and him found a treasure at the beach just yesterday and so they buried it and drew a map in order to be able to return and find it later this week. How cute is that?! Later we enjoyed some chocolate milk. He had it in what he says is "special cup made just for him" this cup is actually an espresso cup but next to his cute little noggin it does look suitable...makes me wanna be six all over again.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Up Country

This past weekend I went up country with some house mates to Kenema. Cecily's friend Kurt is a marine and has an amazing home there which he shares with 9 other military men from all over the country. This place was amazing and really allowed us to feel as though we were on a real vacation. Each night we slept outside in their sedona room. It was encased with mosquito netting so it was just like camping without the worry of those little annoying bugs buzzing around our heads. They had a pool so that was amazing and we also bar-b-qued that night so we had ourselves some real hot dogs and hamburgers! (Which is a real treat here in West Africa) Saturday morning we went to the diamond mines and this was a site. We pulled up to this house and walked into what looked like their back yard but was actually piles upon piles of sand. We walked a ways back and came to where the men were sifting through the water and sand to look for small diamonds. I got in there first chance I could and after about ten minutes I was spent. I couldn't believe the strength it took to do this let alone the hot hot sun that beat down on you while you search for these tiny diamonds. Kurt told us they do not get paid for doing this work in the traditional sense of the word. For 8 or more hours of work a day they receive a days worth of food and that is it. Its amazing they just push through with out complaint and yet I can think of all the times I would complain about the stress of my air conditioned job office job that pays me four times what these men will see in a year. They are just happy to eat. It really puts things in perspective. On top of that it was surreal to see a place that looked so similar to the scenes in Blood Diamond. Kurt reminded us that the men who were forced to do this during the war were held at gun point and if they stopped at any point during the day without permission they were beaten and shot on the spot. Can you imagine?
After this we went to the village where the little ones greeted us with smiles. We headed back towards the compound and enjoyed the rest of our stay there in Kenema. This was a six hour trek on a mostly unpaved road so I got a bit sick on the way home , but man was it worth it. I saw some truly beautiful country side and met some really genuine people. One thought that ran through my mind Saturday morning was, "it really is amazing how we can come from all over the world and end up in the same place." The people I met were really amazing and to hear how the Lord works in the lives of those not only here but in Ireland and the UK and West Africa is a good reminder of how AMAZING our God is.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Remember the time when i thought of letting go
and taking back my hand
when all i could think was how long can i follow you
and where do i stand in this world
i lost my faith, my reason to believe
when i refused to see
oh Lord, you carried me
and just like a soldier
you battle for my soul
but more like a father
you come and take me home
what is the worth of a man living for himself
with a heart of his own
and every day goes in and out, still without a sign of life
but father wont you please give me more
when everything is closing in on me
i know you set me free the day you died for me
and how is this man who calls me by name
and covers himself with all of my shame
but not even death could make you surrender
i remember

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Falling for Leone

The people of Sierra Leone are taking my heart with them. Last night I sat in a stadium full of people cheering while I watched the most amazing men take on my favorite sport. Thats right last night I watched the national amputee soccer game here in Sierra Leone and it was Uh-Mazing! I had the privilege of sitting on the field and speaking with some of the refs as well as the players.Talk about challenging such speed and passion these men had. They for sure could do more with one leg or one arm then I could do with all my limbs in tact. It challenged me to really appreciate what I am blessed to have and a reminder that you just never know. Afterward these boys came up chasing us down to take their photo. They had so much energy and it shocks me over and over the power of a smile. So I stood there snapping away and feeling overwhelmed all at once. I am really starting to fall for the people of Leone. I spoke with a friend not to long ago about the power of a hug and how it can change your perspective. The recognition that comes from that human contact can give someone the energy they need to go on. Here in Leone I am seeing how a simple wave can move them to what seems like this same response. So powerful. The African people took my heart a few years ago and again are chasing after what is left.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Treats from home...

Today I got a package of treats from home...amazing how such things can bring you the kind of peace and contentment that you cannot find anywhere else. Much love to my mom for the love all the way from the States!

Monday, February 12, 2007


this is our new addition to the family. Pamplemoose which is French for grapefruit, was found just this past sunday on a side street in the middle of town. She was all alone and very skinny so we brought her back for some love. Moose my loving nickname is waving hello....even if you dont like cats you gotta love her for sayin whats up!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well I have started a blog of my time here in Leone figuring that it would be easier to write random thoughts of the day then to try and write a newsletter in which I compile all my experiences into one short email that will not annoy or bore those reading it. So here we are a new page that will contain my random spillings.

I have decided to start this page with Sundays thoughts, or reflections back on the last two weeks experiences. Inspired by my dear friend Justin Hane I will give it to you in a list.

1. when unplugging anything from a light socket here in be prepared to receive the shock of a life time as well as being in some what of a daze for the next three to four hours. (side note if you think that a surge protector should protect you, think again.)

2. men and boys alike enjoy stopping in the middle of town to relieve themselves.

3. as a international woman in Freetown freedom is a relative term

4. a State side accent isn't nearly as cool as the Brits and Aussies I have run into.

5. Adam and I have way too much free time.

6. The Lord often creates a need so He can fill it.

7. The Office has to be one of the best programs on television.

8. John Krasinski is my hero

9. Some Sierra Leonens often don't name their babies straight away in case they die soon after birth. This breaks my heart.

10. It is believed here in Sierra Leone that children born who do not appear "normal" (i.e clef palate or cerebral palsy) are cursed or demon possessed. They then are taken to the woods and left to die.

11. Dried prunes can grow mold that becomes liquefied.

12. IBS is not a good thing.

13. running over a dog here is no different then running over a frog in the US. I cried my eyes out when we ran one over the other day on the way to work. (Not on purpose but equally as sad)

14. I miss my bff and I don't care how gay that sounds to you Adam!

15. Teaching is a lot harder then it looks, I give props to those who do this full time. I truly wish I payed more attention in history.

16. Lactulose is not my friend at this point.

17. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

18. I'm finding I can laugh at myself a lot. And exactly how funny gtalk can truly be when your friend sends endless jokes and your response is delayed by five to ten minutes.

19. Gifts from the Lord can come in small, very small packages...

20. I give Glory to the Lord for his healing of those who we have so earnestly prayed for and brings such joy to my heart to hear those stories from afar.